Drive Aid, Literacy Project

"Empowered to Empower"
Kasuwa is a 19 years old Lady from the Village of “Dagbiriboari” even though life has been hard for her as a young mother, she still face life optimistic about every new day, she was forced into marriage when she was young, her formal husband promised her education, but after she became pregnant with Erica she was abandoned,
Her heart desire is to educate herself, so that she can give the best to her growing daughter Erica.
While her new partner “Bugri” Helps and manages the Moringa plantation of Drive Aid Ghana, She takes adult literacy lessons at the CCS&S center in Damongo, we take care of their  feeding, accommodation and health.
Kasuwa is now fast catching up; she is evening learning how to use the computer!

Kasuwa learning at the Training Center
 She’s not the only one, there are many others, whom this opportunity through Drive Aid can make a change, we call upon you to help this brothers and sisters who yearns to empower them self to make a change in rural development and poverty reduction.

Erica Close to Her Mother in the middle of a lesson
You can support in any way you wish, just contact us and tall us what you have in mind.
Every gift and effort counts.
Go through this new year, with the desire to empower others and the heart to love,
Wish you a blessed new year!